Five Star Service Systems Inc.
Is dedicated to designing service systems that respond directly to the needs of our clientele.
Our methodology is based upon continually improving our service to the benefit of our customers.
Service offerings extend from employment screenings,
investigations, and undercover operatives to uniformed security officers.
Craftsmanship, service, timely completion and price are of utmost importance.

Service Integrating

The growth of these service entities was fueled in large part, by the requests of our customers. By grouping (or "integrating") a variety of services together, our clients have enjoyed increased cost efficiencies. Five Star is able to reduce overall administrative and site management costs and pass this savings on to our customers. Clients experience the added benefit of having a single provider for building services. All special needs or service concerns are addressed by making a single phone call to their Five Star representative. The guiding principal for the continuous improvement and growth of our services is the same one that granted success to Larry Lulic over thirty years ago. His desire was to make the windows he cleaned shine brighter than even the most demanding customer would require; to listen to what his customer wanted and endeavor to find a way to exceed their expectations.